Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teaching Children to Embroider

The EGA provides several free projects for teaching kids to embroider that can be used in free classes.

There is a Beetle Rider, which features a dragon fly riding a beetle; Dragon, a dragon with sequin scales; and Holly Ho!, a sprig of Holly. Dragon and Beetle Rider feature using a combination of crayons and thread for a finished effect, a technique the EGA uses successfully in a number of their youth programs. You can see these and any future projects on the EGA Youth Page.

The EGA also offers classes for adults in teaching embroidery to children.

Here's a slideshow of an EGA sponsored youth workshop. Don't they look like they are having fun!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi, I probably wouldn't learn how to embroider now, but if I would have learned it when I was little, I probably would have taken to it! Just checking in!
